In the afternoon, read the previous entry re: the bloody cat.
In the evening we had a Memorial for dear sweet Rags and it was very sweet. I had a good cry and we decided that AN would keep the ashes. Initially we were going to scatter the ashes on Allen Parkway, but I wasn't sure if the container was meant to be opened. WB inspected it and said it was the same container that she had an unfortunate incident that demonstrated how the containers can open. She was ready to go to town on it, but BL was, um, a little concerned about her opening it. In the end AN said that he would keep Rags.
It was emotional, I had FI read Rags' favourite poem for me, cos I was a basket case. Everybody told a little story about Rags' and I brought a photo album for everyone to look at. I'm glad we did it. I feel sorry for TNH because, she was looking forward to seeing him and she only got to see him again in a box. I wish it could have been different. She read a beautiful Irish blessing.
After the memorial, we went out to eat with the fam and G&F and JAM. It was good fun, good wine and good food, though service was v. slow. I would recommend the food, just don't go if you're in a hurry.