Tuesday, September 13, 2005


One of the most amazing songwriters of our time. My current anthem is the Show Must Go On by Queen. It's so haunting, so beautiful, so sad but it fits my state of mind right now. No I'm not homeless. No, I'm not sleeping in a cot at the astrodome. Yes I know there are people worse off than me. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. I'm bummed today because one of my dearest girlfriends will not be able to attend the Wedding. (flame away) I'm allowed to be a grump for 5 minutes (that's the alloted time, then move on) So now, I have only 1 chica from my youth who will be there, thank goodness, at least I have one. See, there was a gang of 6 including me. Initially, all 5 were planning on attending. Then 1 got retrenched and couldn't afford it, then 1 got prego and is due 3 days b4 the Wedding, then 1 was afraid of getting retrenched so decided it would be safer not to make to big expensive trip. Fair enough. So then we had 2. Then 1 started having freaky health problems and will not be able to travel. Don't blame her. So now we have 1. FArK. I'm upset because the majority of attendees are
  1. not related to me
  2. not known to me
  3. not related to FI
  4. not known to FI
  5. known and/or related to his family
In other words, not my people! All his people's people! Sick of people not RSVPing or having the audacity to RSVP for people not even invited. How rude. Out of the 115 people that did RSVP to attend, 3 are my family, and 23 are my friends. Sucks right now to be a singaporegrrl getting married in Texas!

OK I think my 5 minutes are up.



Blogger Tym said...

Oy, sorry to hear that. I guess that's a hazard when doing these overseas weddings :/

Faster make your fiance have a wedding in Singapore, then you can turn the tables on him with a massive Chinese wedding banquet!

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why i kinda dread getting married on the other side thinking of all it will be mostly his guest than mine..im ean like we are Gurls our mother land always appeal more...Awwwww sweetie i hope things rock for u and yeah totally agree on tym idea. well i hope my wedding will at least have some more peopel too..y our blog prepared me...CONGRATULATIONS !!!

11:53 PM  

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