Six week post partum follow-up visit and how they don't want any unplanned pregnancies and my epiphany
This makes me very tired.
I had my 6 week post partum follow-up visit today. I foolishly scheduled the appointment for 9 AM. That would have been fine in my pre-wolfette life, but now, it's hard to get anywhere before 10 o'clock with a wolfette in tow. (Case in point, it took me three days to write and publish this post)
We finally got there a few minutes after 9. We settle into the waiting room and I whip out the boob to silence, I mean feed her. Because this is America, or maybe a public doctor's office, no, mainly because this is America, I drape a covering over the babe/boob, lest any one in the gynaecologists office waiting room be offended by me breastfeeding my baby. Hey, you never know. Just cos you're at the gynae's doesn't mean you're down with a boob in your line of sight. Unless, of course, it's your mid-morning snack.
They call me in and I continue feeding her. The nurselady says, "Let us know when you're done and we'll take your blood pressure and weight".
Wolfette finishes and I put her back in the carseat and sprint out to pee. Time is of the essence here (and everywhere else for that matter), gotta take care of business while she sleeps.
Nurse come in to take my BP (good) weight (Woot! WAY less than @eloy will EVAH be)
Then she asks me what form of birth control I'll be using.
"Uh, wha? I don't plan on ever having sex again."
"Does your husband know about this?"
"Not yet, but he will."
"Uh huh."
Waiting, waiting for the NP to come see me. She finally arrives and that's when Ms. Fusspot starts to stir. I'm going through my list of questions when NP asks me what form of birth control I'll be using.
"Um, ya, I don't plan on ever having sex again."
"Does your husband know about this?"
"Not yet, but he will."
"Well then."
They are really serious about planned parenthood here.
The wolfette begins to awaken. End up having to cuddle the squeaking grrl while the NP is inspecting the "parts".
I believe this is my new life. Breastfeeding in the dentist chair, holding her while I'm in the stirrups. It all takes a bit of getting used to.
Which brings me to my epiphany (thank gawd, you're thinking, cos this is one helluva long post, cheese and rice), where I realised that
1. My whole life has changed - ya, I knew that it would change but I couldn't quite imagine how it would change and how it would affect me.
2. It's hard saying goodbye to the old me. For reals. I never thought that it would be as tough as it has been, afterall, I'm me and I can do ANYTHING. Let me tell you, having a baby really turned that on its ear.
Some days are better than others.
I've never been able to ever allow any vulnerability or weakness to show cos, you know, I'm a "real tough chick".
Ya, well, I have to let it show through cos it's the smart thing to do. I'm a make it but I do have to keep reminding myself that I will and that I'm making it everyday.
That's the end of the long ass post. Please discuss amongst yourselves.
Labels: 6 weeks postpartum