Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Getting slack

No doubt you've noticed. I've been a bit lax with the blogging schedule. I don't get to blog during the day anymore and when I get home, it's a whole other adventure.

Two weeks ago, I received a letter from Chase Bank. They were writing to inform me that,
"Unfortunately, we recently discovered that computer tapes that contained your name, address and Circuit City credit card account number were mistakenly identified as trash and thrown out."
At this point, I had to stop and look at the letterhead to make sure that this was an official letter. The letterhead said Chase and it had the blue logo.

I continued reading,
"With the assistance of federal law enforcement authorities, we have conducted a thorough and extensive investigation of this incident and a search for the tapes. Although we have been unable to locate the tapes, we believe they were compacted, destoyed and taken to a landfill and buried."


The letter then goes on to advise me that I should monitor my credit report closely for the next 12 to 24 months. Thanks. I am entitled to one free credit report from each of the three national credit bureaus once every 12 months. Fabulous.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Cat Blogging

Mia chows down on some crunchy goodness, while keeping an eye on the new edition. TBF couldn't care less. He's just eatin'.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Trying to blog, here

Busy, busy, busy. I've been trying to write a post since I got home. When I get home, I have my freelance work to work on, then, I have EP stuff to work on. We have a screening on Thursday in Houston (yay!).

Screening at Rice University
Thursday, September 14, 2006, 8 PM
Rice Media Center,
6100 Main Street,
Houston, TX 77005
located at the corner of University Blvd and Stockton, entrance #8 on the Rice University Campus
Brought to you by Houston Indy Media
Fiscal sponsorship by SWAMP

Y'all are all invited.

Then, I have emails to write, sites to surf, shows to watch, dinner to eat, where does the time go? I seriously need to invent one of those time stopping devices that let you stop time, do what you need to do and then start time again, so you don't feel like you are always rushing. What do you think?

::rushes off::

Monday, September 11, 2006

No animals in this post

I haven't had a chance to read any blogs from my bloglines list today. In fact I haven't had any web surfing time today at all, but I know what today is.

I remember driving to work 5 years ago and listening to 94.5 the Buzz. I liked listening to the Buzz in the morning, because they didn't talk. It was a music station and they only played music in the morning. This morning, they were talking. They were talking about a plane that had flown into the World Trade Center. My first thought was that the plane was a Cessna, or some other small prop plane.

When I got to the office, we talked about it briefly and then checked the internet to see what was happening. Then we found out that it wasn't a Cessna at all. It was a 757. Then another plane hit the second tower and then the Pentagon and then Pennsylvania.

I called my parents and they were watching CNN. I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't know what the likelihood of an attack in Houston (lovely petrochemical targets). I reassured them that I would stay away from any tall buildings. I left at noon and came home and sat stunned in front of the news. It was terrifying. I remember going to bed and hearing jets overhead and getting quite freaked because there was not supposed to be any planes in the sky. I'm sure they were military planes, of course. The sound was similar to what I used to hear at home in Seletar Camp.

I remember being in New York City in July of 2001 with YS. We were grrls about town and had a wonderful holiday. We were there for the Fourth of July. The city was alive, and we were thrilled to be there.

I remember having lunch in a deli in the shadow of the twin towers in 1998 and filming in Tower Two for work and even from the observation deck. We didn't have a permit and we really just talked the guard into letting us in the building and letting us film and letting us go up to observation deck. It was a cloudy day. I was secretly a little scared to stand at the very edge of the glass. It all seems like a dream now.

In 2003, we went to visit dear friends GB and FB who moved from Singapore and were living in the Financial District. The community deck of their apartment building over looked Ground Zero. I remember staring at it trying to picture the place, the buildings, the grounds, the concrete, the deli, the street. I couldn't see it. I couldn't see any of it. The memory that I have of the World Trade Center and what I saw from the deck just didn't compute.

Today I wore my I heart NY t-shirt to show that I haven't forgotten. I don't think I ever will.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Friday Cat Blogging

What is Tigey thinking? Add your own caption in the comments.

Monday, September 04, 2006


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Dear Ragaboodle,

I can't believe that it's already been a year since you crossed the Bridge. We miss you but we know you are fine because you tell us in our dreams. We love you.

Rubabellies and hugs,

Sunday, September 03, 2006

3 Day weekend!

Hoorah for 3 day weekends! My plans include lounging, lounging and then maybe a little lounging.

Ahh, that's the life.