Thursday, July 13, 2006

What a difference a day makes

OK. When I got home last night, DH and I had Mr. Shiraz over. We had lovely conversations, had some cheese and crackers and fantastic homemade pizza for dinner. DH had a talk with Mr. FB, I didn't speak to him as I was too busy talking to Mr. Shiraz.

The printing situation got sorted out and should be ready this morning. DH is getting his direct deposit c**k-up sorted out. We found out that there was an electrical fire at the District's head offices in the brand new facility that is not even a year old. They have no computer access and only one working phone line, I'm guessing, in the department that handles payroll, not the entire facility. That would be rather shocking.

On the job front, I'm waiting to hear back from the people that I interviewed with at the beginning of July, I know that they have some protocol to follow, so I'm not too anxious. I've been applying daily to multitudes of positions, but no calls for interviews yet. Trying to keep the faith here. Hopeful, hopeful.


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