Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Good Read

I just finished reading Three Junes by Julia Glass. It's been a v. long time since I've had a chance to read, just read. I used to read all the time, now it seems like reading takes planning and scheduling and seems like it shouldn't be so complicated. But like everything else, I need to make an appointment to read. Three Junes was a thoroughly enjoyable book. I didn't want to stop reading it, which made it easy to read. I would daydream about how I could read it while I was driving, though I never actually implemented any reading-while-driving schemes. Slightly dangerous, I would think, though I could write a book about what I've seen people doing while driving. I myself, refuse to and have never put on makeup or eaten while driving, though I am guilty of changing the radio station or changing CDs. Three Junes tells the story of the McLeod family in 3 parts through 3 different characters during 3 different Junes in various locations. I'm a useless reviewer so you should google it, if you're interested. One of the reviews that they printed in the book said the only regret of Three Junes is there is not a fourth. I agree.


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